Geographical and historical studies
Agriculture and forestry were dramatically transformed in the 20th century. In this anthology, eminent researchers present the history of that transformation in 27 themed articles. The articles, which are profusely illustrated, set out to describe the entire century and show the footprints and impact of agriculture and forestry on the Swedish landscape. That impact and its history are analysed in both a local and an overarching perspective, thus deepening our understanding of past and ongoing changes in the spatial environment.
This book is addressed to researchers in many different disciplines, to policy-makers/administrators/planners, offering them a scientific foundation for their present and future work, and to teachers and people actively involved in agriculture and forestry.
An atlas has been published as part of the same project. The atlas, which is a volume of the Swedish National Atlas, is entitled Agriculture and Forestry in Sweden since 1900. A Cartographical Description. It contains a large number of maps, charts and illustrations describing the development of agriculture and forestry over the past century.
Hans Antonson & Ulf Jansson, Eds. 512 pages, illustrated.
Denna rapport går igenom väsentliga aspekter på vad som händer med olika livsmedelskomponenter vid olika temperaturer och vilka positiva, och ibland negativa, konsekvenser dessa förhållanden kan ha. Konferensen har planerats av KSLAs kommitté för livsmedelskvalitet.
Det vill säga alla verk om fiskarna – i översättning från latinet.
This issue of the Academy’s journal describes the tenure development in Sweden during the last 500 years. The aim is to identify different actors and stages of the development, using possession rights and non-exclusive user rights as a point of departure.