KSLA has the privilege of inviting prominent people and organizations to nominate candidates for the Bertebos Prize 2024. Candidates should have contributed to significant research and development within the field of food innovation and development. Nominate no later than September 15.
Food innovation is the process of developing and commoditizing new food products and production processes. It can involve looking for ways to offer consumers more nutritious food products or to manufacture unique and sustainable food options. Food innovations also encompass the packaging of the products we eat. Innovation is important for the food value chain in the development of products, processes and efficiency. New products are being developed and launched. Advancements are being made in terms of technological processes in producing and distributing food products. Efficiency is improved in all parts of the value chains.
Today, there is a need to further increase innovation to enhance sustainability and to develop food products with improved nutritional and health value – as well as meeting consumer demands of taste and form. There is also a need for development to enable the food industry to meet consumer demands in different markets and regions. Innovation distribution is also essential as a way of developing the industry and the value chains.
This year, the Bertebos Prize wants to emphasize candidates within research and development that has made significant contributions to the field of innovation and development regarding products, processes and development of sustainability and efficiency in the food industry. We welcome candidates that are in the middle of their careers.
The Prize consists of SEK 400,000 (approx. EUR 36,000) and a diploma and is presented at the Commemorative Meeting of the Academy on 28 January 2024 in the City Hall of Stockholm.
KSLA organizes communicative activities together with the recipient of the award and in dialogue with the Bertebos Foundation. The activities should preferably take place the same year as the prize is awarded and should involve invited researchers and industry representatives. The type of activity may vary depending on the prize winner’s scientific orientation.
Nominations of candidates should be submitted by September 15, 2023, and include justification, CV and references to up to five scientific papers elucidating the candidates’ most significant achievements in research and development. The nomination form (below) should be sent by e-mail to Keiko Blesserholt, keiko.blesserholt@ksla.se.
Inquiries concerning the Prize and the nomination can be forwarded by telephone or e-mail to Peter Normark, peter.normark@ksla.se, +46 8 5454 7702.
Call to nominate 2023.
Nomination form 2023.
Information about the prize as well as previous winners.
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