Experiences and outcomes for the Nordic partnership – the Congress Organizing Committee (COC) is pleased to invite you to a full day in-person meeting in Stockholm.
The new IUFRO president will present the key note about outcome of IUFRO World Congress 2024 and IUFROs pathways to the future.
Panels with stakeholders present take-aways and insights on how to carry on the heritage with comments and questions from the floor. We close the day at the Royal Academy of Agriculture and Forestry, KSLA, with a celebratory mingle for all Nordic-Baltic partners and participants that made the congress a memorable event.
Relevant topics are:
The regional Nordic-Baltic collaboration started already in 2010. The congress has been successfully conducted in line with the Nordic bid for the Congress. However, this would not have been possible without broad cooperation and financial support from all Baltic and Nordic countries. The Nordic Council of Ministers has supported the application from start to finish, which also secures future Nordic co-operation. The Congress was a dialogue platform for stakeholders, focusing on societal development towards 2050.
Please find the detailed program in the PdF with the Invitation on the right hand side. Please note that number of seats are limited.
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