Personal invitation only.
In recent years we have seen a growing interest among rich people in Sweden and many other countries to donate money to ends that aim at benefitting the agricultural sector in developing countries. The ultimate ends are similar for philanthropic foundations, national aid agencies, UN bodies, and other actors dealing with agricultural aid; yet, the former seem to have partly different priorities, ways of dealing with political hurdles, and means of handling quality assurance and accountability.
The overall aim of this round table discussion is to get a better insight into the way large, philanthropic foundations think and work, and to understand the similarities and differences between them and the governmental/UN agencies, with particular emphasis on issues relating to agriculture and R&D. There will be three speakers that will set the stage for the ensuing discussion, which will encompass the speakers and a limited set of invited attendees.
Moderator Torbjörn Fagerström, professor, KSLA
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