Scientific workshop on forestry related acidification


Scientific workshop on forestry related acidification Mer information
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To Therese Zetterberg’s doctoral thesis: Measured and Modelled Long-Term Effects of Whole-Tree Harvest – Impact on Soil and Surface Water Acid-Base Status in Boreal Forests

→ Till pressmeddelande från IVL: Mark och vatten försuras mindre än befarat av grotuttag i skogen.


Scientific workshop on forestry related acidification

– How does forest biomass production acidify soils and surface waters in comparison with mineral acids?

The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) has by appointment with the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) made a scientific assessment on the potential acidification effects of forest harvest on soils and water. The assessment indicates that ionic strength may be an overlooked variable, greatly affecting the acidity status both in soils and surface waters in areas with high forest production and sea salt deposition, in Sweden on the west coast.

Some of the conclusions in the assessment are controversial in relation to general belief. At this workshop these conclusions will be critically reviewed and discussed.
For more information and program, please read PDF-invitation above.