Water buffaloes in Sweden 6 years later


Water buffaloes in Sweden 6 years later Mer information
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Water buffaloes in Sweden 6 years later

– what has happened

In  March 2009 KSLA arranged a  two days seminar focusing on possibilities to introduce water buffaloes in Sweden as dairy, meat and grazing animals.  The agenda covered presentations of : biology and behavior, social organization; termo regulation; grazing/browsing (incl wetlands); temperament traits; health/parasites; milking incl milk products and regulatory issues. The seminar was very well attended and stimulated a process in Sweden  to realize the prospects of establishing water buffalo farms in Sweden. Already in 2010 the Ritter family imported water buffaloes as grazing animals. And in early 2012 the Elvingsson family imported dairy buffaloes from Germany.

Over the following years additional buffalo farms have been established in Sweden. Thus over the 6 years a lot has happened as regards establishing a new farm animal in Sweden.  The follow up seminar   will try to take stock as regards what has been the process, results and future prospects of keeping water buffaloes in the Swedish countryside.

 More information about the programme in pdf above.


Photo: Alex Pérez Rodríguez (Alexpero).