Fish and Fisheries

A PhD-student course and workshop on Fish and Fisheries – evolutionary ecology and behaviour.

The course was given by the University of Gothenburg (UGOT), Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences (BioEnv) 29 September – 1 October 2015 as a 3-day workshop.

In English

Venue: Kristineberg Research Station, Sven Lovén Centre for Marine Sciences, beautifully situated at the west coast of Sweden.

Aims of the course

  • To provide participating students with broad insights and knowledge in the field – e.g. sexual selection; parental care; behavioural variation; life history variation, population structure; genetics; local adaptation; speciation; conservation; management; releases & escapes.
  • To provide insights into how basic theories and methods in the field can be applied for sustainable management and conservation of fish and fisheries resources.
  • To stimulate student contacts and interactions with other students and researchers in the field.

Fish and fisheries. Photo:

Brief course description

In preparation for the workshop the student is expected to read the course literature, a selection of scientific papers, and write essays (2–3 A4 pages) on three of them (freely chosen).
At the workshop the students

  1. give 10-min presentations on their research,
  2. provide constructive feedback on talks by fellow students,
  3. listen to plenary talks given by the teachers, and
  4. participate in course topic seminars led by the teachers.


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