Under this heading we publish different activities in relation to the KSLA Wallenberg Professorship that the fourth holder of the professorship, Professor Barry A. Costa-Pierce, participates in, contributes to, etc.
On March 21, 2019, Professor Barry A. Costa-Pierce was the key note speaker at the seminar Sustainable Aquaculture at Local and Global Scales March 21, 2019
Protecting and restoring nature and ecosystems touches the very lifeblood of our societies and economies. Nature and ecosystems make up our life support system,…
En rapport från Kommittén för markkol och klimatnytta om dess arbete som startade år 2019.
28/1: Högtidssammankomsten hålls den 28 januari 2025 i Stockholms Stadshus./The Commemorative Meeting is held on 28 January, 2025, in Stockholm City Hall.