FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions


Q: Who would be called PI in the application?
A: Each project partner is a PI. There will be 2-4 PI:s in the consortium, one of whom will be the consortium leader.

Q: Does the signature page need to be at KSLA by the application deadline, 5 pm on 9 September 2019?
A: No, the signature page may be mailed after the application deadline, but within a week.

Q: Should all PIs print and sign separate forms or seek some other evidence of departmental approval?
A: No. The application must be signed by the consortium leader and her/his department head. If the application is granted, each PI and his/her department head will sign the contract with the funder.

Q: The call text states that the consortium leader must have no more than ten years from the first doctoral degree. What about the other consortium partners / PIs?
A:The other PIs can be older, meaning having more than ten years from the first doctoral degree. They may also be younger, but every PI must have a doctoral degree.

Q: Is there a project plan format available or some kind of specific instructions (with page limits etc.) for the application?
A: No, there are no specific forms for the project plan. It must address all evaluation criteria and be submitted as a pdf attachment to the electronic application, along with CV and budget. Maximum size for each attachment is 2 MB. Please see instructions on the Application page.

Q: Is it possible for a researcher to participate in the application as PI without being employed by the participating university / research institute?
A: Yes, this is possible, but the university / research institution must guarantee employment if the application is granted. The application must show how the PI will cover her /his salary costs during the funding period.

Q: How strict is the 10 year rule? (”The consortium leader must have no more than ten years from the first doctoral degree.”)
A: Exceptions to the 10 year rule may be allowed because of career breaks such as maternity, paternity and parental leaves, military or non-military service, or long-term illness.

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