EU classification system for green investments

KSLA har lämnat synpunkter på EU:s Draft Act Sustainable finance – EU classification system for green investments.

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Syftet med taxonomin är att gynna ”gröna investeringar”, d v s sådana investeringar som gör att vi kan klara EU:s ambitiösa klimatmål, först 55 procents reduktion av utsläppen till 2030 (jämfört med 1990), och sedan klimatneutralitet 2050. Till svaret har fogats ett appendix.

KSLA has submitted comments on the EU’s Draft Act Sustainable finance – EU classification system for green investments. The purpose of the taxonomy is to promote ”green investments”, i.e. investments that enable us to meet the EU’s ambitious climate targets, first a 55 percent reduction in emissions by 2030 (compared to 1990), and then climate neutrality in 2050. An Appendix is enclosed to the answer.

The Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry (KSLA) welcomes “green investments” within EU, however we have observed that the proposed Taxonomy document has several shortcomings which all could be contra productive if implemented.

KSLA considers that it is of outmost importance that a steering document should be based on science. This is not the case regarding sustainability of the Nordic forest management systems, the uptake of CO2 in managed forests, or bioenergy systems. A Taxonomy must also be in line with existing EU legislation, as the recently decided RED II, as well as national environmental legislation. Moreover, the use of national statistics about CO2 balances in land use is the best way to judge the forest and agriculture sectors climate impact.

Full answer in enclosed pdf (incl Appendix).

KSLA har fått möjlighet att yttra sig över Livsmedelsverkets redovisning av regeringsuppdraget "Analys av möjligheten att förenkla förfaranden för avsättning av svenskt vildsvinskött" (Dnr 2018/02334).

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