The Fellows

The fellows are the Academy’s most important resource. Swedish or foreign citizens, who are known for outstanding insight and experience in the Academy’s area of activity, can be elected as fellows. Only Swedish fellows can nominate the candidates.

Within the academy there are three sections

  • The General Section
  • The Agriculture Section
  • The Forestry Section

Each section consists of Swedish fellows, honorary fellows and international fellows. They come from research, internships, administration and business, but represent in the Academy their personal competence. Many of them are found among the main representatives of the green industries.

Within each section, there are 70 rooms for Swedish fellows of the age of 65 or younger and 25 rooms for international fellows of the age of 65 or younger.

In addition, there is room for a maximum of 20 honorary fellows.

When a fellow turns 66, he or she leaves his or her room but remains a full fellow and a new fellow is elected to the Academy. The fellows are appointed by election of the Academy once a year.

For Fellows only

To information about the Fellows in the Ledamotsrummet (the Fellows’ Room). You need to log in to get there. If there are problems with that, kindly contact

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