Högtidssammankomst/Comm. meeting 2016


Högtidssammankomst/Comm. meeting 2016 Mer information
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För akademiens ledamöter och särskilt inbjudna gäster.
For Academy fellows and invited guests.

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Fria att använda, men ange/Free to use, but state
© Kungl. Skogs- och Lantbruksakademien, foto/photo: Pelle T Nilsson

→ Bilder från minglet./Pictures from mingle.

→ Bilder från banketten./Pictures from the banquet.



Sammankomsten öppnas
Akademiens preses Kerstin Niblaeus

Tal: Den svenska skogen – värd att brukas
Akademiens preses Kerstin Niblaeus


Presentation av nyinvalda ledamöter

Utdelning av priser och belöningar
H. K. H. Prins Carl Philip


Tal: Akademiens 203:e verksamhetsår
Akademiens sekreterare Carl-Anders Helander


Högtidstal: På spaning efter framtidens skogsbruk
Professor Annika Nordin

Preses- och vice presesinstallation



Opening of the meeting
The President of the Academy Kerstin Niblaeus

Speech: Den svenska skogen – värd att brukas
(The Swedish Forests – riches to be used)
The President of the Academy Kerstin Niblaeus


Presentation of newly elected Fellows of the Academy

Distribution of Prizes and Awards
H. R. H. Prince Carl Philip


Speech: Akademiens 203:e verksamhetsår
(The 203rd year of activity at the Academy)
Secretary General Carl-Anders Helander


Principal speech: På spaning  efter framtidens skogsbruk
(In search of the future of forestry)
Professor Annika Nordin

President and Vice President inauguration

Ecosystem Restoration for a Sustainable Development

Protecting and restoring nature and ecosystems touches the very lifeblood of our societies and economies. Nature and ecosystems make up our life support system, and without conscious efforts to protect and restore nature, the economic system will erode step by step. By the declaration of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration in 2021, governments have recognized the need to prevent, halt and reverse the degradation of ecosystems worldwide for the benefit of both people and nature. A 10-year drive for restoration, was called upon to speed up action for reaching the goals of Paris Agreement, and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Ecosystem Restoration for a Sustainable Development

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