Decision on grants

Decision times, notification and payment. A final report must be submitted – instructions for this can be found under the heading Final reporting of grants.

Decision notice

When a decision on a grant/scholarship has been made, applicants receive an e-mail about it. Log in to your account to see the decision.

  • Application round 15 January – decision usually in week 12–13.
  • Application round 15 February – decision usually in week 13–14.
  • Application round 1 April – decision usually in week 24–25.
  • Application round 5 May – decision usually in week 24–25.
  • Application round 1 June – decision usually in week 24–25.
  • Application round 15 September – decision usually in week 50-51.
  • Application round 1 November – decision usually in week 50–51.

No justification for the decision is provided.


Payment is made against requisition. The funds can be requisitioned in connection with the start of the project, but within one year at the latest.

Of the granted amount, 80 % is paid to the applicant’s institution (central financial unit). The remaining 20 % is paid when the project has been completed and the final report/accounting report has been approved by the Academy.

Travel grant

Payment is only made when the travel report/report has been submitted and approved by the Academy.

Log in here to see decisions, make requisitions and submit final report.

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