Create account

How to create an account to apply. Read the entire page before you start filling in your application. Answers to frequently asked questions can be found at the bottom.


  1. Read through what applies to your application below and the answers to the most common questions so that you can have all the information at hand when you start. Only when you have created an application and received an application number can you open your application again to edit. Before then, you cannot save your application. Once submitted, the application is considered complete and cannot be changed.
  2. You cannot save the link to your application that is created in the grant system. To view the application again and edit, you must go via KSLA’s website. If you try to go via the 3D link, you only get this message:
    Welcome to the application system. (Välkommen till ansökningssystemet.)
    You log in from the grant provider’s website. (Du loggar in från anslagsgivarens hemsida.)
  3. You cannot keep the page open for any length of time. It closes automatically after a while if you do something else on the computer (email, surf, write…). Then you can log in again via KSLA’s website (p 2) using the application number you received (p 1).
  4. The application must be submitted in complete form before the end of the application period. In exceptional cases, a supplementary option can be opened, after contact with the Academy’s administrator. Likewise if you have written something wrong somewhere. This opportunity is only available a few days after the application deadline, as the review of the applications starts immediately.
  5. The Academy’s office is not staffed during weekends. If the last day of application takes place during the weekend, you must ask your questions no later than during the working week before.

This applies to your application

  • Requirement for two signatures on the application: the applicant’s and manager’s/supervisor’s (if any signatures are missing, the application may be considered incomplete and not processed).
  • Project title must be included.
  • A brief summary of the project must be included.
  • Detailed project description or conference program can be attached as attachment(s).
  • CV and/or certificate is not mandatory as an attachment.

Answers to some common questions

  • Send one application per trip/project/publication grant – not one application per foundation.
  • You can choose up to three foundations that seem to have a relevant area for the trip/project you are seeking funds for (applies to the September 15 call). You don’t have to choose three foundations, it’s fine to choose a foundation or two.
  • The main applicant writes his CV and possibly publication list in the application itself, not as a separate document.
  • The CV of co-applicants/project members is not mandatory.
  • A short summary description of the trip/project must be written in the application (limited space). Detailed description is attached as an appendix.
  • Attachments must be in PDF format and the maximum size is 2 MB.
  • The application must be in the system no later than midnight on the specified application deadline. The system will automatically shut down at that point. You cannot change or supplement after you have electronically sent your application.
  • Send the signed application on paper within one week at the latest by regular mail to the academy.
  • Notice of the decision is given at the specific time specified in the respective announcement.

Log in here to create an account and make your application!

Questions regarding grants:
Keiko Blesserholt,

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