Webinar: Data Driven Dairy Decisions for Farmers – 4D4F


Webinar: Data Driven Dairy Decisions for Farmers – 4D4F Mer information
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A step towards tomorrow’s precision livestock farming

Watch film recording from the Webinar here!

More information about the project is available on the website www.4d4f.eu.

14.00–15.30 (CET) February 28, 2017
Venue: Media event – webcast
Registration only for participation at location in Stockholm: no later than February 25!

Modern livestock farming aims at optimal animal welfare in combination with high productivity. Modern technology and development of new and improved tools for monitoring behaviour and health of individual animals and herds open up for high precision in prevention of disease and unhealth. Improved decision support system are introduced with the help of sensors and data harvesting.

In the Horizon 2020-funded project Data Driven Dairy Decisions for Farmers – 4D4F – the aim is to focus on the role which dairy animal and environmental sensors can play in collecting real time information to help make more informed decisions in dairy farming.

As a start-up we now invite trade media, advisors, interested farmers, researchers and innovators to a webcasted opening event where the aims and some important concepts of the project will pre-presented. Participating communities of practice will also be connected, and there will be opportunity to ask questions via e-mail and twitter.

More information about the project is available on the website www.4d4f.eu.




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// // // // // = this.level)
this._addin.log(level, ”JS: ” + message);

debug : function(message) {
try {
this._log(0, message);
} catch(e) {
if(this._next) {

info : function(message) {
try {
this._log(1, message);
} catch(e) {
if(this._next) {

warn : function(message) {
try {
this._log(2, message);
} catch(e) {
if(this._next) {

error : function(message) {
try {
this._log(3, message);
} catch(e) {
if(this._next) {

setNext : function(logger) {
this._next = logger;

setLevel : function(level) {
this.level = level;
// ]]>// = Evernote.LoggerConfigurator.DEBUG) {
try {
} catch(e) {
if(this._next) {

info : function(message) {
if(this.level >= Evernote.LoggerConfigurator.INFO) {
try {
} catch(e) {
if(this._next) {

warn : function(message) {
if(this.level >= Evernote.LoggerConfigurator.WARN) {
try {
} catch(e) {
if(this._next) {

error : function(message) {
if(this.level >= Evernote.LoggerConfigurator.ERROR) {
try {
} catch(e) {
if(this._next) {

setNext : function(logger) {
this._next = logger;

setLevel : function(level) {
this.level = level;
// ]]>// //

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