Only for fellows and guests.
Our Academy includes foreign fellows in all parts of the world, some close to Sweden and some far away. Some are quite frequent guests at the Academy, some disappear out of sight soon after their election, which is a great loss for the Academy.
Geographical distance is, obviously, a challenge, but also the lack of personal connections between fellows in different countries. As a small step towards interaction and mutual exchange we arrange a seminar on the day after the Commemorative meeting to give recently elected fellows a chance to present themselves and their work in an informal way, and to discuss common, current affairs with other fellows.
We hope that some of our Academy fellows, with guests, have a chance to stay in Stockholm another day after our great annual festivity. Please help us welcome our new fellows by listening to their presentations and by engaging in discussions on current issues in different parts of the world. There is no strict programme for the afternoon, but each new fellow will give a, 10-15 minutes long, personal presentation, which leaves ample time for discussions and questions.
For more information and program, see PDF-invitation above.
14/11: Möjligheter och problem med metoder och modeller på det skogliga området kommer att belysas, liksom de mera generella frågorna i tiden kring svårigheter för vetenskapliga tänkesätt att få genomslag.
14/11: Möjligheter och problem med metoder och modeller på det skogliga området…
12/11: Professor Dan Binkley presents a new study on the theme continuous cover forestry in boreal landscapes.
12/11: Professor Dan Binkley presents a new study on the theme continuous…
29/10: Focus on biohazards in the animal sourced food chain, in national and international perspectives.
29/10: Focus on biohazards in the animal sourced food chain, in national…
29/11: Ökande antibiotikaresistens är ett av de tio största globala hoten mot människors hälsa. För att bromsa utvecklingen måste mer göras inom flera områden.
29/11: Ökande antibiotikaresistens är ett av de tio största globala hoten mot…