Sustainable Business Models for Charcoal in Africa

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Welcome to a webinar highlighting challenges and opportunities for sustainable business models in the African charcoal sector.

Sustainable Business Models for Charcoal in Africa Mer information
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Driven by population increase and urbanization, charcoal use is on the increase in Sub-Saharan Africa. It is an affordable energy source that generate rural jobs and incomes – however charcoal use is also associated with health-related and environmental problems. This webinar discusses opportunities for creating more sustainable charcoal value chains in Africa. What is required to promote charcoal value chains that provide affordable energy and rural income, without degrading the forest resources?

The Swedish University for Agricultural Sciences (SLU), in partnership with, the African Forest Forum (AFF), is implementing a research project “Sustainable Business Models for Tree based Value Chains in Sub Saharan Africa”. The goal of the project is to generate knowledge on the charcoal value chain, more specifically on its processes, actors, and their interactions. The research is conducted in Kenya and Niger in a participatory manner that involves various stakeholders. It is aimed at analysing resources, competences and business models among supply chain members in fostering sustainable and livelihood improving outcomes. At the webinar, results from this project are presented, together with findings from leading researchers in the field.

Researchers in the project: Anders Roos (, Larwanou, Mahamane (M.Larwanou@CGIAR.ORG) Doris Mutta (, Chemuku Wekesa (


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