The Global Bioenergy Partnership

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Examples of Positive Bioenergy and Water Relationships

The Global Bioenergy Partnership (GBEP) brings together public, private and civil society
stakeholders in a joint commitment to promote bioenergy for sustainable development. GBEP
Activity Group 6 (“Bioenergy and Water”) aims to identify and disseminate ways of integrating bioenergy systems into agricultural and forested landscapes for improving sustainable management of water resources, including waste water. This includes sharing knowledge and experiences on landscape identification and design, best management practices as well as on policies and instruments supporting bioenergy implementation that contributes positively to the state of water. With the support of the IEA as a GBEP partner, IEA Bioenergy Task 43, assisted by Task 40, is co-chairing the Activity Group and contributing to the work defined in the workplan.

In this framework, GBEP Activity Group 6 launched the Call for Examples of Positive
Bioenergy and Water Relationships. This initiative aims to showcase innovative examples of how bioenergy systems (in both the feedstock production and conversion phases) can produce positive impacts on the status of water and to serve as a way to inspire and build on this knowledge and experience with other bioenergy producers.

The submissions received in response to the Call for Examples were reviewed by the Activity
Group and the most relevant among them were selected to be presented at this workshop organized by GBEP and IEA Bioenergy, in collaboration with the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry (KSLA) and Chalmers Energy Area of Advance, in Stockholm (Sweden).

For more information and program, se PDF-invitation  above