The Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry was founded in 1811 and installed on 28 January 1813 on the initiative of Crown Prince Carl Johan, later King Karl XIV Johan.
The Academy was in 1813 called The Royal Swedish Agricultural Academy. To mark the importance of forestry, the academy was renamed The Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry on January 1, 1956.
The Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry is a free and independent organization that works with issues of agriculture, horticulture, food, forest and forest products, fishing and aquaculture, the environment and natural resources.
The Academy is financed – apart from a small government grant as compensation for services rendered – through the return from its own funds. In addition, the Academy has over the years been entrusted with managing a number of foundations.
The Academy’s meeting activities with assemblies, seminars, conferences and workshops are an important means of bringing knowledge from the Academy. By gathering for discussion about important problems, opportunities are given for initiatives for measures or activities, which stimulate development.
”Academy” is a name given to a seat of higher learning or a learned society. The Academy’s fellows come from research, practice and industry, but represent the Academy in their personal expertise.
The Swedish Royal Academies
Royal Swedish Academy of Fine Arts (1735) Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (1739) Royal Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities (1753) Royal Academy of Music (1771) Royal Swedish Society of Naval Sciences (1771) Swedish Academy (1786) Royal Swedish Academy of War Sciences (1796) Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry (1813) Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (1919) The Royal Gustavus Adolphus Academy for Swedish folk culture (1932)
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