Collaboration in Landscapes for Sustainable Development


Hybrid dialogue with Tony Simons, CIFOR-ICRAF  (The Center for International Forestry Research, CIFOR, and World Agroforestry, ICRAF).

Collaboration in Landscapes for Sustainable Development Mer information
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In the light of the latest IPCC reports, the ongoing global food security crisis and continuing degradation of land, ecosystems and biodiversity, there is an urgent need to collaborate for multifunctional landscapes to tackle human needs as well as restore ecosystems.

The global community needs to find sustainable economic pathways and as the IPCC report on mitigation, stress restoration of landscapes is fundamental to solve the climate and biodiversity crisis. However, where will the investments and initiatives for integrated and sustainable landscape management and restoration come from? What can we learn from ongoing effort, by civil society, private and public actor, to create incentives and pathways for integrated and resilient landscape action? 

KSLA, SIANI, Focali and SLU hereby invite you to a seminar with Tony Simons, Executive Director, CIFOR-ICRAF (the Center for International Forestry Research, CIFOR, and World Agroforestry, ICRAF) who is visiting Sweden. Tony Simons was appointed Fellow to KSLA in 2020 and will now have an opportunity to present his work and elaborate on what role Swedish institutions and CIFOR-ICRAF can play in meeting the intertwined challenges the world faces today. Swedish actors representing different sectors will share their work. Cases will be shared about collaborative work to restore landscapes to meet several goals at once as reversing environmental degradation, at the same time as income, food, fodder and material can be generated for local livelihoods and/or for local and global markets. Following the case presentations from different sectors and time for questions to the speakers, a panel discussion will be facilitated on how we, in broad partnerships, can collaborate and invest in landscapes for sustainable development.

A small number of seats available at the meeting in the Academy, please contact, to obtain one of these.


Photo: Axel Fassio/CIFOR.

Photos: Plant nursery in Yangambi, DRC, by Axel Fassio/CIFOR.

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