Forest Friends Forever – Finnish-Swedish Forest Conference


Conference and excursions for invited guests only as a part of the Tandem Forest Values programme. The bilateral research programme Tandem Forest Values aims to extend Swedish/Finnish cooperation in forestry and forestry industry research.

Read more about Tandem Forest Values (in Swedish).

Forest Friends Forever – Finnish-Swedish Forest Conference Mer information
Mer information

Finland and Sweden are both leading nations in the sustainable use of forest resources for the benefit of the societies. Both countries have an ambition to use forests in combatting climate change, while at the same time developing new bio-based forest products, processes and services to pave the way for a sustainable economic growth.

Sweden donated 12 post-doc positions to Finland to honour the 100th anniversary of Finland’s independence. To show gratitude for the generous gift, the Finnish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry organizes a Finnish-Swedish Forest Conference in Hanaholmen, Espoo on 17–18 April 2018.

Attendance at the conference is by invitation only and free of charge.

More information:
Liisa Saarenmaa, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Finland, tel. +358 (0)295 162 429

See pictures from the conference and excursions

Conference and excursions programme





Opening address
Minister Jan-Erik Enestam, Chairman, Swedish-Finnish Cultural Foundation, Finland

Welcoming words
Dr. Jaana Husu-Kallio, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

Session 1: Research cooperation between Finland and Sweden
Moderator: Ritva Toivonen, Dean, University of Helsinki

Tandem Forest Values – State of the Art
Eva Petterson, CEO, The Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry (KSLA)

Collaboration between RISE and VTT
Peter Axegård, Vice President, Bioeconomy Strategy, RISE
Jussi Manninen, Executive Vice President, Bioeconymy, VTT

Efinord – Platform for Research Cooperation in Northern Europe
Leena Paavilainen, Director, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)
Jari Hynynen, Professor, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) & Efinord

Development of Key Enabling Technologies for Biobased Products
Anders Holmgren, Program Manager, Vinnova
Tuula Savola, Programme Manager, Business Finland

Coffee break

Session 2: Biorefineries: Investments and Financing
Moderator: Henrik Ehrnrooth, Chairman of the Board, Pöyry

The Making of Äänekoski Biorefinery
Niklas von Weymarn, Research Director, Metsä Fibre

MAX IV Laboratory
Magnus Larsson, Head of Industrial Relations, Lund University

Value Ecosystem for SMEs
Linda Fröberg-Niemi, Business Development Manager, Smart Chemistry Park

Financing the Future
Kim Krokfors, Senior Manager, Nordic Investment Bank NIB

Future Perspectives for Investments in the Forest Sector in Finland and Sweden
Henrik Ehrnrooth, Chairman of the Board, Pöyry

Dinner at Hanaholmen



Session 3: Policies
Moderator: Kirsi Heikel, journalist

Finnish-Swedish Collaboration in Forest-Related EU Policy-Making
Jari Leppä, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, Finland
Sven-Erik Bucht, Minister of Rural Affairs, Sweden

EU’s R&D Policy from the Industrial Point of View
Johan Elvnert, Managing Director, Forest Technology Platform

How to Improve the Legitimacy of Nordic Forestry
Anders Portin, Managing Director, Finnish Forest Society

Winners and Losers of the Bioeconomy: Philosophical Analysis of Policy-Making
Matti Häyry, Professor, Aalto University

Thank you
Jaana Husu-Kallio, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry




Excursion 1: VTT BIORUUKKI Pilot Centre
Innovation and demonstration platform for bioeconomy and circular economy businesses. Bioruukki supports business opportunities in fields such as low-carbon energy solutions, efficient biomass refining, new biomass-based products, and recycling and waste utilization. Coffee break in the lab!

Excursion 2: Forest management by Tornator
During forest excursion you will learn about the Forest Biodiversity Programme METSO, gene reserve forest and forest management based on digitalization. Tornator is a leading company specialised in sustainable forest management in Europe. Coffee break by campfire!

Arrival at the Helsinki Airport