The IUFRO World Congress 2024 is the largest global forest event in Northern Europe this decade with 5 000 participants. We are pleased to invite you to an open seminar at the Academy focused on the Congress taking place this summer in Stockholm.
Keynotes from both scientists and stakeholders, the Stockholm Statement, excursions, an exhibition including a Green job arena and an Innovation stage exemplifies arenas for dialogues, co-creation and knowledge exchange around the Congress.
The Stockholm Statement aspires to encapsulate the collective foresight on the future role of forests in societal development towards 2050. This interactive session at the Academy aims to delve into the insights and contributions from the Nordic and Baltic countries concerning the future role of forests in societal development leading up to 2050. The session is an important follow-up to the Round Table dialogue, held with cross-sectoral stakeholders at KSLA earlier this year. The regional input will also serve the Nordic and Baltic Ministerial Panel, scheduled during the closing of the congress on the 29th of June this summer.
Please note that the meeting is also broadcast through Zoom. The link will be sent out the day before.
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