Workshop co-organized by the Focali-SIANI theme on Forests, Landscapes and Food Security in collaboration with a range of Swedish and International actors working with bioenergy, forest and agriculture landscapes and food security.
There is a need for improved understanding – and promotion – of biomass production in landscapes that generate multiple ecosystem services and support biodiversity. Governance of land use and other activities shaping our landscapes requires methods to assess impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem services.
A multitude of approaches exist that address biodiversity and ecosystem services on different spatial and temporal scales. This diversity is important for advancing science and knowledge, but can create difficulties in situations where governance agreements are to be made. This is particularly complex in a context where multiple goals need to be considered, e.g., mitigation of climate impacts from land use, promotion of renewable energy, increased food production, and more sustainable resource management in general.
The advancement of science and knowledge needs to be managed in parallel with processes informing governance based on the current state of knowledge. This is a challenging task, which can be supported through structured information exchange and collaboration engaging researchers and other actors involved with governance.
The workshop is organized in cooperation with the Global Bioenergy Partnership GBEP AG6 “Bioenergy and Water” by the following organizations:
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