The challenge of making science-based policy recommendation for a global food system


All forms of malnutrition lead to poorer health. Drought, flooding, fires and other consequences of a changed climate already affects people’s opportunities to lead good lives. Making global food production and consumption more sustainable is one determining factor in tackling these challenges. The food system is vitally important to our ability to attain the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

The challenge of making science-based policy recommendation for a global food system Mer information
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World hunger has been increasing for several years in a row, biodiversity is in crisis, shortages of fresh water are continuing, as is the depletion of the world’s soils, and the world’s natural resources are being consumed at an unsustainable rate.

Professor Jennifer Clapp, a newly elected international fellow to KSLA General section, is a Professor at the Global Food Security and Sustainability in the School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability (SERS) at the University of Waterloo, Ontario in Canada. Throughout her career, her research has focused on the global governance of problems that arise at the intersection of the global economy, the environment, and food security. Furthermore, Professor Clapp is the Vice Chair for the High Level Panel of Expert that provides scientific advice to the UN Committee for Food Security, CFS. The CFS uses a multi-stakeholder, inclusive approach to develop and endorse global food policy recommendations.

Arranged by The Academy General Section, the International Committee and the Research Committee.

A summary of this event, written by Charlee Salmelin, SIANI, is now available on the SIANI website:

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