Please note:
Applications must be submitted electronically, by the consortium leader, before 5 pm on 9 September 2019.
The electronic application form must be completed with contact information for the consortium leader; information on consortium partners; and brief information about the project (including project title, key words; dates for the project and a short abstract).
Three attachments are required (1–3 below). There are no special forms for the attachments, but instructions below must be followed. Only pdf files can be submitted. Maximum size for each attachment is 2 MB.
After the submission, the application system will generate the signature page for your application. You need two signatures: your own and that of your boss /the department head. Without those two signatures, the application will be considered incomplete and will be disregarded. The signed page should be sent by mail within a week after the application deadline. No other documents need to be sent by mail.
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