Local and Regional Food – KSLAT nr 9-2005

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The aim of the first European Conference on Local and Regional Food was to provide a forum for politicians, officials and representatives from the food production and processing industries to meet and discuss the future of local food. The topics in focus were:

  • The influence of EU and national policies on local food development and how to bring about changes.
  • How to connect the producers of local food with the consumers.
  • How to achieve profitability in local food production.
  • What are the qualities of local food?
  • Why European collaboration and how can it benefit the production of local food?
  • What are the environmental aspects of local food production?

The conference was sponsored by The Swedish Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Affairs and The Regional Government of Western Swedish Region.

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Local and Regional Food – KSLAT nr 9-2005

The aim of the first European Conference on Local and Regional Food was to provide a forum for politicians, officials and representatives from the food production and processing industries to meet and discuss the future of local food.

Local and Regional Food – KSLAT nr 9-2005

The aim of the first European Conference on Local and Regional Food was to provide a forum for politicians, officials and representatives from the food production and processing industries to meet and discuss the future of local food.

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