Protecting and restoring nature and ecosystems touches the very lifeblood of our societies and economies. Nature and ecosystems make up our life support system, and without conscious efforts to protect and restore nature, the economic system will erode step by step. By the declaration of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration in 2021, governments have recognized the need to prevent, halt and reverse the degradation of ecosystems worldwide for the benefit of both people and nature. A 10-year drive for restoration, was called upon to speed up action for reaching the goals of Paris Agreement, and the Sustainable Development Goals.
The need to increase the understanding of and develop technology and methods for ecosystem restoration is great, not least in low- and middle-income countries. In many regions e.g. Africa, environmental destruction and the depletion of natural resources are occurring rapidly. Poverty is widespread, and opportunities for alternative income are limited. Climate change is increasingly evident, driving inequalities and increasing people’s vulnerability.
To spread knowledge about the challenges the world is facing, and to increase understanding about possible action, the Royal Academy of Forestry and Agriculture (KSLA) and SIANI invite to a webinar on Ecosystem Restoration in Stockholm. The purpose of the meeting is to present efforts planned and implemented in different geographical regions by a selection of actors. Representatives of organizations, companies, authorities, and academia are invited to the seminar to give an account of how they work on issues related to the preservation of ecosystems and how the restoration work can be carried out. Welcome!
For the detailed program, please click on the pdf symbol to the right!
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