Forests for Agenda 2030 in Ethiopia, Chile and Sweden


Forests for Agenda 2030 in Ethiopia, Chile and Sweden Mer information
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Part 1

Part 2

The synergies and conflicts at the intersection of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with respect to climate, water, energy and biodiversity will be used to explore how Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (EMA) can more fully support Agenda 2030. Work on this during the past year in three regional settings – Sweden, Ethiopia and Chile – will be reported at the workshop. Specific questions are how EMA currently supports governance, and the possibilities for developing EMA to contribute more to governance by working with all three dimensions of the sustainable development goals: environment, economy and society.

This workshop will explore the potential of EMA to navigate the nexus of SDG issues surrounding forests as a source of intensified biomass production in future bioeconomies.


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