How are water management and the agricultural landscape adapted to the meteorological variations in the Po Valley in Northern Italy? What is the future of agriculture in the region? Will there be enough water, and can violent floods be dealt with?
Several years of drought followed by heavy rains during the month of May this year triggered more than 1,000 landslides and 23 bank failures in the Po River valley in Northern Italy. These events occur in the context of a very serious and ongoing crisis that has affected the entire Po area and caused repercussions on the agricultural sector, the tourism industry, and water supply for households and industry. Reduced water flow in the river and rising levels in the Adriatic Sea, lead to saltwater intrusion far up the river system with serious ecological consequences.
The Po Valley is historically one of the most productive and important agricultural areas in Italy, even one of the largest at European level, and one of the areas most exposed to climate change, as highlighted in the latest IPCC 2023 report and in the national strategy for adaptation to climate change.
Welcome to this KSLA webinar and listen to Dr. Alessandro Bratti, Po River Administration, as well as the recipient of this year’s Stockholm Water Prize, Professor Andrea Rinaldo, and Antonio Maconi, Goodnet, share their experiences of the impact of climate change for agriculture and other activities in the Po Valley.
8/4: Vill du veta vilken kompetens som krävs för att möta utmaningarna och möjligheterna inom lantbruk och matproduktion? Är du i slutet av din utbildning, nyutexaminerad eller precis i början av din karriär? Då får du inte missa detta panelsamtal med KSLA:s Ungdomsutskott.
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