The food system suffers from severe inefficiency in terms of raw material use; losses during the value chain can in some cases reach up to 70% of the captured or harvested biomass weight. At the same time there is a growing demand for sustainably produced food and an urgent need for improving resilience in the food system.
In honour of the 2024 Bertebos Prize, the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry (KSLA) and the Bertebos Foundation arrange this seminar on advances in the shifts towards a sustainable and resilient food system in cooperation with the Prize Laureates, Professor Ingrid Undeland and Associate professor Mehdi Abdollahi, Chalmers Technical University, Gothenburg.
A promising route to address this conflicting scenario is to shift our view on food losses from being side streams of low value into being multiple main streams with high potential for direct food production.
Experts from academia, authorities and industry, representing both agricultural and aquatic food trades, will give their views on the highlighted challenges. Outcomes will pave the way for a roadmap stimulating efficiency in our food system and ultimately enable better use of what is currently seen as side streams.
On March 20, in connection to the seminar, an excursion is arranged to Berte Qvarn and Siaglass in Slöinge, Halland.
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