Green infrastructure for ecological sustainability and human well-being

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Green infrastructure for ecological sustainability and human well-being Mer information
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Green infrastructure for ecological sustainability and human well-being: knowledge production and learning across borders in the Baltic Sea Region

Är du intresserad av Grön infrastruktur, Ekosystemtjänster, Biodiversitet, Produktion och miljö, Det nationella Skogsprogrammet, Nationell strategi för skydd av skog, Miljökvalitetsmål, Långsiktigt livskraftiga stammar av arter, Långsiktigt hållbar markanvändning, Landsbygdsutveckling, Landskapsperspektiv, Vattenförvaltningsförordningen, Ramdirektivet för vatten, Mänskligt välbefinnande, Fysisk planering, Landskapsansatser som Biosfärområde eller Model Forest?

Ja, då är detta seminarium något för dig!

This seminar present results from FORMAS’ strong research project “Green infrastructures for ecological sustainability and human well-being: a network of forest, rural and urban landscapes as laboratories for integrative research” (2012–16), which is led by SLU and Stockholm University and carried out with 12 other international partner organisations and >40 researchers and practitioners.

To enhance collaborative learning towards functional green infrastructure in the Baltic Sea Region funding was also secured for stakeholder engagement from the Swedish Ministry of Environmental Affairs (2012–13), EU InterReg (2012–13) and the Swedish Institute (2014–16). The seminar is also the kick-off for communication of project results during 2017.

Green infrastructure is a strategically planned network of natural and semi-natural areas with other environmental features designed and managed to deliver a wide range of ecosystem services such as water purification, air quality, space for recreation and climate mitigation and adaptation. This network of green (land) and blue (water) spaces can improve environmental conditions and therefore citizens’ health and quality of life. It also supports a green economy, creates job opportunities and enhances biodiversity, see this link.

For more information and program, please read PDF-invitation above.