As a small step towards interaction and mutual exchange we arrange a webinar on the day before the Commemorative meeting to give our recently elected fellows a chance to present themselves and their work in an informal way, and to discuss common, current affairs with other fellows.
KSLA includes international fellows in all parts of the world, some close to Sweden and some far away. Some are quite frequent guests at the Academy, others disappear out of sight soon after their election, which is a great loss for the Academy.
Geographical distance is, obviously, a challenge, but also the lack of personal connections between fellows in different countries. As a small step towards interaction and mutual exchange we arrange a webinar on the day before the Commemorative meeting to give our recently elected fellows a chance to present themselves and their work in an informal way, and to discuss common, current affairs with other fellows.
Please help us welcome our new fellows by listening to their presentations and by engaging in discussions on current issues from different parts of the world. There is no strict program for the webinar, but each new fellow will give a personal presentation, about 10 minutes long, including a few minutes for discussions and questions.
Link to registration, only for fellows of KSLA.
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