It is obvious that the Nordic countries face similar – but not always identical – challenges, including education, the labour market and the working milieu for today’s veterinarians. Stakeholders in the region are invited to meet and exchange experiences and discuss solutions in this webinar.
Several Nordic countries are facing similar but not necessarily identical challenges when it comes to the availability of veterinarians. It may be about the number of new graduates, the attractiveness of traditional sectors such as production animal practice, food safety and quality, or about difficulties in recruiting veterinarians to sparsely populated areas.
Another factor that plays a major role is the last decade’s rapid structural change in companion animal healthcare. Last – but not least – many veterinarians feel exposed and questioned through social media. The challenges are not identical but still similar – a number of approaches to solving the problems are underway. In all countries, the intake of veterinary students has been increased or taken into consideration.
KSLA has taken the initiative to this Nordic “virtual seminar” and would greatly appreciate if you have the opportunity to attend the webinar and in that way contribute to the seminar’s success and impact.
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