Dr. Peter Roeder, UK, the Bertebos Prize Laureate 2020, is key note speaker at this webinar on the drivers of pandemic emergence and means of control.
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The Complete webinar
The purpose of this seminar is to explore the drivers of pandemic emergence and means of control for Epidemic Animal Diseases; in order to identify and prioritise matters that need to be addressed, and to recommend future actions.
Dr. Peter Roeder, Bourdon, UK, the Bertebos Laureate 2020, is a veterinarian with broad experience of disease epidemiology, diagnosis and control. He has developed specialist expertise and extensive practical experience of disciplines relating to the control of infectious and especially, epidemic and zoonotic diseases; disease investigation, virology, laboratory diagnostics, disease control procedures and policy settings.
International experts in the field participate as speakers.
The Bertebos Prize biennually rewards outstanding research on either a well-defined scientific problem anywhere in the food chain from the ecosystem to molecular level or system-oriented theoretical analyses on part of, or the whole food system. The Prize was established in 1996 by Mr Olof Stenström, then chair of the Bertebos Group, and his wife Mrs Brita Stenström.
Dr. Peter L. Roeder. Photo: Erik Cronberg.
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