How to estimate N and P losses from forestry in northern Sweden – KSLAT nr 2-2007

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There is a restricted amount of scientific knowledge on how different forestry measures quantitatively affect the nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) loss from soils to surface waters in northern Sweden. The information is based on a limited number of studies performed during the 1970s and 1980s. That is a period when silvicultural measures e.g. clear-felling, fertilisation and drainage were performed with less considerations for the environment than is generally the case today. Furthermore, the study catchments were located in the southern half of Sweden, implying large uncertainties when applied to the northern boreal region.

This report is from a workshop with the objective to suggest methods, based on sound scientific assumptions, for estimating the N and P leakage to surface waters from different forestry measures in northern Sweden. The methods should yield estimates relevant for international reporting (e.g. PLC5), for assessing national
environmental goals (e.g. no eutrophication) and for characterisations of water objects according to the EU Water Framework Directive.



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