Swedish universities are invited to apply for KSLA-Wallenberg Professorships by March 1st 2023

The Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry (KSLA) has the privilege to announce four, one-year-long international visiting professorships within the green sector. These professorships will be funded by the Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg foundation during the period 2022–2024. All Swedish universities are hereby invited to apply.

Swedish universities are invited to apply for KSLA-Wallenberg Professorships by March 1st 2023 Mer information
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The UN Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, as well as national environmental objectives, define goals for the long-term development of a sustainable bioeconomy. The green sector has a major role to play in meeting several of the global challenges identified in the Agenda 2030, such as climate change and loss of biodiversity.

In this context, we define the green sector as including issues relating to agriculture, horticulture, veterinary medicine, forestry, hunting, reindeer husbandry, fishing and aquaculture. Consumption related to the green sector is included, but not the industrial link in the production chain.

Excellent scientific research and innovation are essential in order to achieve the global and national goals related to the green sector and the sustainable use of natural resources. The Wallenberg Professorship programme is one piece of the puzzle. Visiting Wallenberg professors will work at Swedish universities for one academic year with a focus on strengthening a sustainable Swedish green sector through scientific research. The following research areas provide examples of issues that may be addressed by the visiting professors:

  • How new agricultural crops, methods and products could mitigate goal conflicts and promote synergies between sustainable development goals.
  • How forestry could contribute and balance objectives of a circular economy, climate targets, biodiversity, and ecosystem services.
  • Identifying opportunities for increased sustainable aquaculture while preserving wild stocks.
  • The role of governance in the sustainable development of the green sector.

The Wallenberg professors are expected to:

  • Add unique scientific competence to the host department within the green sector.
  • Address a specific issue of high societal importance during her/his visit.
  • Combine scientific excellence with a multidisciplinary way of working.
  • In collaboration with the hosts, contribute to building up lasting international collaboration and to strategic development of the host department and university.

The visiting professors are expected to spend a full academic year (9 months) at the host institution. The funding from KSLA is maximum SEK 1.3 million per visiting professorship. The total visit may be spread over a maximum of two years, if so agreed with KSLA. During the time in Sweden, the professor and the host department are expected to arrange a public seminar to highlight their research and its societal impact.

Universities may suggest visiting professors by submitting two-page pre-proposals by 1st of March 2023.

See attached announcement, including criteria and conditions.


The series of Wallenberg professorships began in 2014 with the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation funding a number of one-year visiting professorships of the highest international class. The series was a gift to KSLA on the Academy’s 200th anniversary.


More information:
Sara Österman, sara.osterman@ksla.se, +46 8 5454 7706.


In Swedish.