Public procurement in a European perspective


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Public procurement in a European perspective – Examples from different EU countries

In Sweden public procurement has been widely discussed during the last years. There is still a lot of confusion about the possibilities to demand different criteria on environment and animal welfare when purchasing food. Many purchases have been reviewed. Due to the special Swedish situation there is a great interest to learn from good examples in other EU-countries. The legislation on public procurement is the same in whole EU. At the same time there is an investigation going on in Sweden on Public procurement and the EU-directive is under process in the European parliament.

The Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry (KSLA) arranged a workshop in April 2012 with representatives from UK and Finland and the European Parliament. Focus for the discussions were public procurement with special focus on quality criteria as environment and animal welfare. This time we want to involve people engaged in public purchasing in the regions and communities and people responsible for food in schools, day care and hospitals.


Moderator: Peter Wenster, senior advisor, Respect

09.30 Registration and coffee
10.15 Welcome
Magnus Stark, Secretary Agricultural Section, KSLA
10.30 Sweden
Monica Sihlén, Swedish Environmental Management Council
10.45 Sweden
Elin Waltersson, Unit Manager, Södertälje Municipality
11.15 Finland
Marja Sarmela, Procurement Centre of the City of Helsinki, Finland
11.45 Italy
Elena Pagliarino, National Research Center (CNR), Italy
12.15 Lunch
13.15 Panel discussion and conclusions
14.30 End of seminar
14.30 Coffee