Although the life of reindeer herding families has always been demanding, the indigenous reindeer herding peoples throughout the circumpolar North today face major challenges. Climate change, altered societal circumstances, and loss of vital grazing lands (due to oil and gas production, hydro electric dams, infrastructure, wind power and forestry) are examples of phenomena that threaten reindeer husbandry practices and cultures. Competition for resources increases and as a consequence, internal and external conflicts become more common.
Thus, challenges and problems, conflicts and controversies, are often in focus in the discussion about reindeer husbandry. All too often the merits of reindeer husbandry are forgotten or neglected. All too often we tend to forget that reindeer husbandry in a multitude of ways makes considerable contributions to the society.
The fact is that reindeer husbandry since time immemorial has been of great economic and cultural importance for many indigenous peoples in the Barents Euro-Arctic Region. It is also one of the most resilient forms of livelihood in the region. Reindeer husbandry represents an important model of sustainable exploitation and management of northern terrestrial ecosystems based on experience accumulated over generations, conserved, developed and adapted to the climatic, political and economic systems of the north.
Under the auspices of the Swedish Presidency of the Arctic Council and the Swedish Presidency of the Arctic Council’s Sustainable Development Working Group (SDWG), the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences invites to the seminar: Reindeer husbandry as a resource for the society – Present contribution and future possibilities. Research, on-going activities, success stories, and reindeer husbandry as a model for resource management and local food production will be presented and discussed under four main topics: Landscape and biodiversity; Food; Traditional knowledge (including art, handicraft, etc); and Local (rural) socio-economics.
December 3, 2012
Moderator Anders Esselin, Man & Nature
December 4, 2012
Program may be subject to change
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